Web Resources
As an active member of the Credit Services Association (CSA), Phillips & Cohen Associates (UK), Ltd. are committed to providing unbiased and educational information to our clients and the public.
The following links offer access to websites that may provide additional information about our industry and the collection process in various jurisdictions as well as specific circumstances:
Industry Associations / Regulators
Industry Links
Probate Related Resources and Support
- Continued Path Consumer Resource
- Probate & Inheritance tax helpline
T: 03001231072 Mon-Fri 0900-1700
Provided by HMRC and can send forms for probate by post as well as answering general queries. - Age UK
- Money Advice Service
The Probate Service
Part of HMCS which issues probate documentation. Forms are available to be downloaded from this site. Addresses are provided for local probate registries.
Additional Emotional Support
The Samaritans
T: 116 123
Support helpline available 24/7 for anyone in distress, particularly those who are feeling suicidal.
Cruse Bereavement Care
T:0808 808 1677 Mon-Fri 0930-1700
[email protected]
Provides focused bereavement support through local branches – numbers for local branches are available on the website.
Child Bereavement Charity
T: 0800 02 888 40 for the Information & Support Team
W: http://www.childbereavementuk.org
Child Death Helpline
T: 0800 282 986
Mon-Fri 1000-1300, Weds only 1300-1600
Every day 1900-2200
W: http://www.childdeathhelpline.org.uk
Winston’s Wish
Helpline: 08452 03 04 05
W: http://www.winstonswish.org.uk
Grief Encounter
Grief Encounter support bereaved children and their families to help alleviate the pain caused by the death of someone close.
T: 0208 371 8455
E: [email protected]
W: https://www.griefencounter.org.uk
Widowed & Young
WAY is a national charity in the UK for men and women aged 50 or under when their partner died. It’s a peer-to-peer support group run by a network of volunteers.
Email facility available through website
W: https://www.widowedandyoung.org.uk/contact
The Compassionate Friends
T: 0345 123 2304
Every day of the year 1000-1600 and 1830-2230
W: http://www.tcf.org.uk/
Macmillan CancerLine
T: 0808 808 0000
Textphone: 0808 808 0121
Macmillan Youthline (for ages 12-21): 0808 808 0800
All lines Mon- Fri 0900-2100
W: http://www.macmillan.org.uk/
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide
T: 0300 111 5065 Lines are open 0900-2100 every day
W: http://www.uk-sobs.org.uk
The Good Grief Trust
A resource for the bereaved, run by the bereaved.
E: [email protected]
W: https://www.thegoodgrieftrust.org//a>
Practical Advice
Citizens Advice
This site gives information and links to free local Citizens Advice Offices.
Directgov – public services all in one place
Government site listing all UK national and local government services.
The Bereavement Register
T: 0207 089 6403
This allows you to register the name and address of the deceased and help prevent receipt of direct mail.